Saturday, December 16, 2006

Plactise plactise!

what a busy week. had to hand in a paper, and I have to write another one for next tuesday. Also I have 2 examinations next week. therefore I couldnt post here unfortunately. I have a job now! Yesterday was my first time at work. It was much fun! Nice colleagues, and nice people. Well, that' s all I guess, I'll enjoy you with one of my older poems.


I feel this tingling,

Tickling feeling,

I think it's healing,

Could this be,

The true love I looked for?

Couldn't I see,

Couldn't I get to the core?

I feel warm and fussy,

When she is close by..

And yet my mind is messy..

Cause im so confused as to why

I can't seem to hold her,

In any possible way..

Shes avoiding me,

Leading me astray..

I once felt this tingling,

Ticking feeling,

I think its dying..

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