Thursday, November 23, 2006

The electional disaster.

Why oh why, does this country choose people as their leaders, that think beeing social is supporting the people that are to lazy to do a job. Why do they support partys that want to make it less hard for frauds to live of welfare money. Why do they support politicians that continue to give rapists and murderers, appointed for service to the state - for which they don't even have to do any work!!!- the freedom to escape time and time again. I don't get it anymore, does your daughter have to get raped and murdered first before you people get it!? These monsters deserve nothing better then heavy physical labour, to repay their debt to soceity, t'ill the last breath excapes their bodys, which is the least they can do. Because nothing will get the victims dignity back, or his/her life. I'm devastated.

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